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Consultant Cardiologist

Dr Malik Faisal

Dr. Malik Faisal is actively involved in medical education and research, contributing to the ongoing improvement of cardiology practices. His dedication to his patients, coupled with his extensive knowledge in the field, makes him a trusted name in cardiology at Lady Reading Hospital and beyond.

We always put the

patients first

We always put the

patients first

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Year Experience

Lady Reading Hospital MTI Peshawar

Consutlant Cardiologist
Dr Malik Faisal

Dr. Malik Faisal is a dedicated and highly skilled Consultant Cardiologist based at Lady Reading Hospital MTI, Peshawar. With over 15 years of experience in cardiology, Dr. Faisal has built a reputation for his expertise in diagnosing and treating complex heart conditions.

His deep understanding of cardiovascular health, combined with a patient-centered approach, allows him to deliver exceptional care to individuals suffering from various heart ailments. Dr. Faisal's commitment to continuous learning and adopting the latest advancements in cardiology sets him apart in his field.



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Medical & General Care!

Our Services

Proactively revolutionize granular customer service after pandemic internal or "organic" sources istinctively impact proactive human

Hematology and Super Cool

Continually evisculate goal-oriented portals rather than prospective channels. excellent customize life

Family Physician & Doctor

Continually evisculate goal-oriented portals rather than prospective channels. excellent customize life

Laboratory & Pathology Drag

Continually evisculate goal-oriented portals rather than prospective channels. excellent customize life

Heart Checkup or Cardiovascular

Continually evisculate goal-oriented portals rather than prospective channels. excellent customize life


Years Of Experience

Incubate extensive scenarios without top-line quality vectors. Authoritatively engage


Experienced Doctor's

Incubate extensive scenarios without top-line quality vectors. Authoritatively engage


Happy Patients

Incubate extensive scenarios without top-line quality vectors. Authoritatively engage

Medical & General Care!

We’re Here For You

Proactively revolutionize granular customer service after pandemic internal or "organic" sources. Distinctively impact proactive human capital rather than client-centered benefits.

  • 99% success rate
  • 100% Confidential
  • Affordable Fees
  • Free Consultation
  • Expert surveillance agents
  • Over 50 years experience

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    Proactively revolutionize granular customer service after pandemic internal or "organic" sources proactive human capital rather.


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    Proactively revolutionize granular customer service after pandemic internal or "organic" sources istinctively impact proactive human

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    Proactively revolutionize granular customer service after pandemic internal or "organic" sources istinctively impact proactive human